Monday, August 3, 2009

Thank You Cards

This project took us several separate times to make. For my daughter birthday party, I decided instead of mailing thank you cards a week (or so) later that we would just give them out at the end of the party. Here are the cards that we made. I like that she was helpful in making them -- it's okay that they aren't perfect. She worked very hard to make them.
Step 1: I cut out paper. My daughter colored inside each page -- that day she was drawing bunnies.
Step 2: Cut out square on front, cut out stars and cut out stars. I wrote on stars saying "Thanks for making my party sparkle."

Step 3: Not pictured is the step of cutting out diamonds for front and stamping "Thank You."
Step 4: Glue diamond on front.
Step 5: Not pictured is the step of glittering the star after glued on.

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