I recently joined
Pssst from General Mills. They give coupons and products to try. All I have to do in return is pass the word on. This week I received a coupon for
Pilsburry Pizza Thin Crust in the mail along with coupons to pass on.

I am giving away coupons via e-mail. To receive one leave a comment or better yet, give me your best pizza sauce recipe. Please be sure to leave your e-mail address or email me at
I don't have a good recipe, but would like to start making pizza at home instead of ordering out. thanks!
Well, I don't have a particular recipe - just have tried a variety of ready-made sauces to see what the family likes. Am ready to throw away the Domino's pizza take-out phone number...
I just joined Psssst also. My product so far was Progresso Broth and I loved it! I would love to have a pizza crust coupon. I don't have a specific recipe for pizza sauce, but here's a money saving idea. When you make spaghetti (with purchased or home-made sauce) make a large batch and retain about 2 cups meat sauce for pizza night. Refrigerate it and it will thicken for another night's use. If you need to make it thicker for a pizza sauce, stir in some tomato paste. Use that sauce as your pizza sauce and top with your other favorite pizza ingredients. Cook the sauce once and eat twice -on spaghetti and pizza nights! Thanks for sharing the coupons with us!
allibrary [at] aol [dot] com
I don't have a good recipe :( I have just gotten into making stuff from scratch recently, and I have yet to make a pizza!
My husband usually mixes up a pretty nice pizza sauce. He just puts whatever spices he likes in tomato sauce, as well as some fresh basil.
Well I must admit I have never made pizza sauce from scrath .. but this is one of the things we like to make
French Bread Pizza:
1 can of favorite type of spaghetti sauce
1 loaf of french bread
your favorite pizza toppings
Apply the sauce, then chesse then toppins then more chesse and bake in the oven till chese melts!
Very Yummy and the kids love helping!!
Here is what I use for pizza:
6oz. tomato paste
8oz. tomato sauce
1/2 tsp. Oregano
1/4 tsp. garlic salt
1/2 tsp. Basil
1/2 tsp. parsley
2 tsp. minced onion
Parmesan cheese.
katie_mmartin at yahoo dot com.
I would like to start making pizza at home instead of getting takeout.
With a ready-made crust it would be easy, and save a lot of money!
I don't have a p[articular recipe, but garlic and basil are a must!
I also have a giveaway on my blog. Come over and check it out!
Since my daughter loves pizza, I have started to use whole wheat english muffins (healthy) with some purchased jar pizza sauce and some mozzarella cheese on top. They have a microwave available in the cafeteria, so she warms it until the cheese melts. She thinks it's delicious and the other kids are begging her to share.
I'd love one, but my favorite recipe for pizza sauce is Classico. :)
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